Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Pain in my Butt...

Always a good expression but right now it is my reality. I am having some sciatic (sp?) nerve issues. I can't really explain the sensation but every so often hot pain shoots down my butt and sometimes reaches my calf. It only lasts for a few seconds but afterwards it feels like I just did 100 squats. This, therefore, makes me waddle. I was at school yesterday and someone said, it's too early for you to be waddling...thank you. That is an awesome observation.

We just got back from Ruidoso a few days ago and I haven't reentered the real world yet. It is 11:30 and I am still in my pajamas. I am waiting on the carpet installers to get here so maybe I should change soon. Today, carpet is being put in our bedroom and the front bedroom and yesterday Ryan laid the wood in the baby room. He is a hot handy man! Now we just need a few key items like a crib, some bedding, some furniture and a baby.

Can CPS be called for a baby that hasn't been born yet? I decided to paint the entry way this week. I was really careful and had lots of air flowing through and I stopped about every 10 minutes or so. But then I was reading in my baby book that said her sweet little brain is doing lots of growing right now. Great...I may have just ruined her chances of being a national merit scholar because I needed to paint the entry way!!! Sorry baby rabbit...


Chesley said...

WOW! I know of the butt pain you speak!!! I had it bad with Garrett. This time I haven't experienced it yet but I fear it is still coming. I get a twinge ever so often. That is the one thing I remember most about my 1st pregnancy. I would get the occasional charlie horse in the middle of the night and wake up yelling. Cody would shoot up and start rubbing my calf. I had never experienced that before. Oh and banana's didn't help. People said it would but it didn't!

Chesley said...

Oh and walking never heped either! People said it would but it didn't and I walked a lot!

Courtney said...

Many pregnant women paint and their babies turn out fine. Sounds like you did the right things to keep it from being a problem. So sorry about the pain! It seems like there's always something going on in the crazy, pregnant body! You sure look adorable!!!

annalee said...

oh ouch, i hope your pain in the butt is feeling better soon.
and i say stay in the pajamas as often and as long as possible. i think that is much more important for baby development than anything to do with painting!

Anonymous said...

Let's get to the important stuff - what color did you paint??

robin said...

I agree I want to know the color. Yeah for handyman Ryan!!! I hope you feel better. I was AMAZED at the things that people said to me when I was pregnant! You're doing a great job being baby rabbit's mommy!

Calista said...

Sorry to hear about your butt pain. Just wait till you get close to the end, like me, and butt pain comes to an all new level of discomfort. Don't listen to me. I'm just ready for this kid to be out and having contractions while I'm typing this. I'm trying to be positive with 2 weeks left. Take care and can't wait to meet your little girl.

Shauna said...

With a name like Rabbit and a litle paint fumes...your child is destined for greatness!!! I painted every room in my house when I was pregnant - it was like an obsession. And that was with every child too! I know...weird...dont stress over it. You should be fine. I also climbed up on to a chair positioned on top of a table that was on top of another table to change a light bulb once...that was CPS worthy!

heatherw said...

Baby rabbit is going to be totally cool! I think she's probably destined to be in the circus after last night.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I have had the sciatic pain during my pregnancy too. But, I have the solution. I bought a pre-natal yoga dvd (Shiva Rae's). I am not so into yoga however this really works! As soon as I get back pain I pop in the tape. By the time I am half way through the it my pain is completely gone. That Shiva Rae is a real miracle worker. Definitely give it a try I don't know what I would have done without it!! Good Luck

angela said...

I had this pain for several weeks while pregnant with Ava. After getting several comments from others, I decided to go to the Chiropractor, who was able to adjust my hip. I later read online that this is very common in pregnant women, and some Chiropractors even recommend having your hips adjusted every week. You might what to look online for one that specializes in pregnancy. My guy did not really did not know that much. However, the hip adjustment ended-up working, although it took awhile. I knew from my previous job that is can take an excited nerve awhile to calm down. A couple of weeks before I had her, I recall telling my OB/Gyn (who prescribed me pain meds)that it had gone away. He was very surprised and told me that in most women it only gets worse, and some even have pain for months after they deliver. Not wanting to tell him about the Chiropractor, I told him that I had been walking a lot and he said that that doestn't work and actually makes it worse. I hope this helps!

angela said...

I just realized that my comment had a ton of mistakes. Oops! Its late and I was going fast.

Anonymous said...

mere i know exactly what your talking about. i got that same pain about a week ago and its called TEACHING!! but the good thing is just like pregnancy it goes away in 9 months!!

Tricia said...

I think we were in Ruidoso at the same time...I am so sad that you don't call me back we didn't get to see each other. I miss you and call me!!!

Shauna said...

how is rabbit?