Still looking for a house, we're coming up on three months. The last "perfect" house I posted about turned out to be not so perfect. When we went and looked at it a second time we realized that the neighborhood was not so great. I would rather have the worst house on the best street than the other way around. I can fix my house, I can't fix the neighbors!
My students are k-i-l-l-i-n-g me right now. Today I had to explain to one of my little angels that algae is not a predator (this is 8th grade). Really? Watch out for the attack algae!!!!! It makes me wonder why I even bother to show up to work sometimes....good luck on the TAKS kiddo.
Blake has been cracking us up lately. She has started talking more and more and saying some pretty funny things. It's pretty amazing to me that I can't think of ANY right now. So just trust me.
Blake has also been throwing some pretty righteous fits too. She does this great dancing move and stomps her feet and screams really loud. Good try, my little friend, but that's not going to get you another candy corn.
Well, that's about it for now. My brain is not 100% functional. I just ran for 8 minutes...