Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Two Things You Gotta Check Out

Numero Uno:  Go to my sister's blog and see Blake's adventure's in babysitting!  Heather and Jonathan kept Blake last Saturday so we could go to a friend's birthday party.  Thanks guys!  You gotta go check out all of the shenanigans from that night.

Numero Dos:  Here is a video of Blake (and me) at my parent's house.  Sike!!!...I couldn't freaking figure out how to get the video uploaded on my mom's stupid mac so this will have to wait.  I will try again later when I am back on my normal pc.  So now you have no choice but to check out Heather's blog!  

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To Blake...a 6 month update

I can't believe it has already been 6 months! On one hand I feel like it was just yesterday that we were at the hospital... but on the other, I feel like you have been here forever. (ooohhh, please don't enlarge that picture...yikes) You have made such a smooth entrance into our lives. I did not know what to expect when you got here but you are so much better than I could have ever imagined! We love you so much more than I can explain. I hope that your life is full of love and happiness. Your daddy and I will do our best to make sure of that!!!

Blake Facts:
You have just started holding your own bottle.

    Holding your own bottle is tiring!!

  • You scoot all over the place. My least favorite place that you scoot to?? off of the carpet and on to the tile. Why? because you like to lick it.
  • You started getting on your hands and knees ready to crawl when we were in Arkansas.
  • You love to watch Lola play.
  • You don't laugh a lot but you smile ALL of the time.
  • You growl when you are frustrated or bored or just because you want to.
  • You have started making this fake cough sound when you want attention.
  • I can lay you down at night for bed and you put yourself to sleep.
  • You sleep until 8:30 or 9:00!! Mommy loves that!!!
  • When you take a bath you suck on a finger puppet the whole time you are in there. It's kind of gross but it makes you really happy.

  • You LOVE to be outside.

  • Your favorite song (and has been since the beginning) is You are My Sunshine. You can be screaming and we will sing it to you and you calm down immediately.

  • You can put your pacifier back in your mouth. I lifesaver for me at 4:30 in the morning!

  • You are really good at eating baby food...most of the time.

  • You make me really happy when you try to roll over while I am changing your diaper. I love that...

  • You give the sweetest kisses.

When you wake up in the mornings you never cry, you just talk in your crib until someone comes in to get you.

I love you, sweet girl!! Happy 6 month birthday!!

"I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Eph. 4:1-3

Friday, June 20, 2008

What's your opinion? through the following and when (not, if) you comment just put the number and answer yes or no. If you feel you need to explain your answer, great. If not, great. If you want to answer anonymously (sp?) great. But I don't think I put anything embarrassing on here. So, comment AWAY!!!

YES OR NO?????????
1. Music on blogs? Sometimes I enjoy it but other times I forget my speakers are on and it scares the c-r-a-p out of me.

2. Wearing t-shirts out in public? I am about to turn 28 and I realize that as a mom and an adult maybe I should dress a little better when I go out in public.

3. Am I a bad mom? I love to read and since I work during the year, that is what summers are for. Sometimes I cringe when I hear Blake waking up from her nap because I haven't finished the really exciting part.

4. Am I a lizard? This is for those of you that are around me or have been in the past. Do I lick my lips a lot when I am talking? ( I already know your answer, Ryan.)

5. Spandex shorts. Are they ever appropriate?

6. Awkward faces. This is for those of you who have kids. Can you keep from making an awkward face while you are feeding your kids baby food?

7. (Not an opinion, just a fact) Shaving. I am terrible at shaving my legs. Never fails...I ALWAYS miss some hairs, either on my knee or around my ankle. Are you good at shaving?

8. Saving money. Does there come a point, when saving money, that you aren't actually saving you are hoarding?

9. Nail polish. Do you think it is necessary to have polish on your toes for your feet to look good?

10. Getting political. Will you vote for Obama?
If you don't want to answer number 10, for whatever reason, then that's okay. You can just answer this alternate question... will you vote? (title it alt. 10 on your comment...that you will definitely be leaving.)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day Ryan

Well, here I always... a day (or two) late and a dollar short but better late than never. (Wow, two sayings in one sentence. Amazing. That should be my motto.)

Twenty reasons why I love my husband...
1. He looks ridiculously good in shorts.
2. He is one of the most sincere people I have ever met.
3. He tells me I look good without makeup.
4. He loves God.
5. He is crazy too.

6. We both think the same things are funny. (which are not always funny to other people)
7. He makes me try to be a better person.
8. He opens my car door... even after (almost) five years of marriage.
9. He holds my hand when we are just lounging on the couch.
10. When I am away or he is away from home he calls at least once a day just to say hi.
11. He does not judge people when they make mistakes. Which is why he is really good at his job. (For those of you that don't know his job...he is a counselor for kids, and their families, that are on probation and who also have a mental health disease like ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder etc.)
12. He talks in voices that make me laugh sooooo hard.
13. He loves me.
14. He is the greatest dad to Blake.
15. He is good at sports and likes to play sports with me.
16. He is hot.
17. He makes me pancakes and coffee on the weekends. Or if he doesn't feel like cooking then we go to Old South.
18. He is my best friend and I can tell him anything.
19. He loves to travel.
20. He loves me even when I am not being very lovable.

**This list is in no particular order.

And Happy Father's Day to MY dad!! Who is in Spain right now with my mom. But I am not jealous AT ALL. Not even a little.

Now, I am copying my sister but here are the reasons I love my dad.
1. It takes a LOT to make him angry.
2. He is funny.
3. He likes wierd things.
4. He is definitely one of the smartest people I know. If I were on W.W.T.B.A.M? he would be my phone a friend.
5. He used to come watch all of my tennis matches when I was playing. (So did my mom)
6. He had funny nicknames for me when I was young...the most common? Shatzi (sp?) I think it's german or something.
7. He loves all of the grandkids and is great with them.
8. He loves to work out and sometimes spurs me on without knowing it because I'm like "Ok, if my dad can run a marathon surely I can run a half."
9. He is adventurous.
10. He is kind to people. Even ones that he has not seen in a long time but still call the house to talk to him almost everyday.
11. He gives good advice.
12. He's very photogenic. (Come on, dad, you know that made you smile.)
13. He would do anything for me or Heather or my mom.
14. He pretty much used to do everything for me. (I was a little spoiled)
15. He is a very good teacher.

This is my dad putting Laine through the window because they were locked out. See... he is a good teacher.

My list had more than Heather's!!! nanny, nanny, boo, boo......

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Vacation Week

This has been the greatest week so far this is only the second week but whatever. Blake and I flew to see Joni and Grant on Monday and have had a fabulous week of shopping, swimming, laughing, relaxing and hanging in our pajamas 90% of the time. Getting here was the craziest part of the trip. Ryan dropped us off at 8:15 for a 9:45 flight and I took my rolly bag, Blake and the stroller to check in and the lady promptly told me that my flight was delayed by 3 HOURS!!! I immediately called Ryan but he didn't have his phone so Blake and I had an exciting day at the airport. When I finally talked to Ryan he said "well, that should be a little fun, you love being at the airport." True. BUT it's a completely different situation with a 5 month old in tow. When the plane FINALLY arrived at DFW at 12:45 one of the airline people told me that the plane would definitely get to Hot Springs but may not be able to get to my final destination because a computer at the airport was broken. AWESOME. So I had to do some quick thinking and decided to chance it and leave anyway.

TIME OUT...I need to explain that I was one of seven people getting on this plane. So while I am making this decision they are all leaving me and boarding the plane and the guy keeps getting on his walkie talkie and is like "Uh...we have another passenger here." "Hey dude don't forget we have another passenger up here." "don't worry ma'am I'll walk you down there myself." Seriously??!!??

We arrived at Joni's in record time because the pilot decided to "chance it" and went ahead and flew to the airport anyway even though they told him once we took off that it might be best to turn back. How do I know this you ask??? That's because the pilot is also the steward and the door opener and the help you get off of the plane guy and we had a conversation and he said "Ahh don't worry. We missed the storms, it was just like threading a needle." What is that supposed to mean?

AND...Introducing...Joni finally has a freakin' blog. Hip, hip hoooorrraaayyy! Go check it out.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Citizen's Arrest

Thank you so much for the comments on the last post. I checked almost everyday to see what people were saying. I agreed with every single one of them! I was worried that what I was trying to say wouldn't make sense but it seems that most of you agree! After reading those comments I have decided thatI am going to try to be more "myself" in hopes to get others to do the same. Then we wouldn't have to have the "first date" feeling as much. So if I start to be too wheels off crazy just tell me and I'll reel it back in.

Yesterday was my first day of summer. Blake and I had a great day of hanging around the house doing absolutely nothing. My allergies have been killing me since the wind started blowing 829 mph two days ago so I have been a little lethargic. Today I did one of the things on my list (see post from a few weeks ago) and I had cereal and coffee before the day actually began. It was great! I was also very wife-ish and went to the grocery store, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, made lunch and made supper. Look out!! I may have set the standard a little bit high on this first day of summer. But we'll see.

On Tuesday Blake and I went to the library so I could get a library card. While I was getting her out of the car I heard a dog barking. I could tell it was a little dog but I couldn't see where it was. So while I was getting Blake in the stroller I looked around the parking lot and realized the dog was in a car behind mine. The car was not on and it was like 100 million degrees outside. So I strolled Blake over and looked in the back and saw a little weiner dog in a crate in the back of a car. The windows were rolled down about a half inch. Are you kidding me???? I am surprised the dog had enough energy to bark as much as it was. So I immediately started hatching out a plan of how I was going to bust this person. As soon as I turned to march into the library and demand to speak to the owner of a grey chevy trailblazer I saw a cop. So I waved my arms around like an idiot and told her the situation. I told her that I would take care of it and I would be glad to drive the perp downtown myself but she seemed to want to handle it her way. While I was getting my library card she had them page the lady (which Iwas totally going to do too) and talked to her nicely (which I would NOT have done) and asked her to take the dog home BEFORE she spent an hour in the library with her kid. What an idiot!!!

This is a picture from Blake's first trip to the Ranger's game in April. It was a little cold that night.

Here she is at her second visit to the ballpark. Sunny, hot and this is the night when the 829 mph. winds started.