Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, February 10, 2006


Inspired by my sister, I am going to post random thoughts today...I hope you enjoy.

If I clean my desk at school, I can never find anything I am looking for.

I moved my bed time to 10:15. I have only seen this hour two times this week.

I can NEVER remember my friend's birthdays...sorry!

My schedule this semester is as follows: Monday-class @ UNT, Tuesday-tennis matches, Wednesday-class @ UNT

Ryan's schedule this semester is as follows: Wednesday night-work, Thurday night -counseling
Friday night- work.

See you in May, Ryan!

I have been wondering lately what it is in our brains that makes us like certain types of music. I like all kinds...right now I especially love Jack Johnson, Dave Matthews, Guster, 311 and GRILLZ

I love a really good pen.

Lola adds about 10 minutes to my getting ready routine in the morning. I have started putting my alarm clock under my pillow so I can still hear it but it won't wake her up.

I love Fridays! and Saturdays! and Sundays!

I am excited that the Olympics are starting. I like the winter Olympics because of all the skiing. But I love the summer Olympics because of almost everything!

Is that game where they scoot the thing across the ice and use a broom to sweep in front of it really a sport? What's that game called?


robin said...

The broom game is horrible! Whoever made it up was on some really good drugs! All the other stuff is GREAT to watch! Go USA!

Mere Ware said...

I was reminded at lunch that the broom game is curling. Which makes perfect sense...

Shauna said...

Yes - curling is a perfect name for that sport....what....
Missed you friend - I am glad you worked up the nerve to blog again...I forgot to look at the time to see if you did it before school today! 5am or so

Shauna said...

Oh my gosh - you did!! Good thinking, friend.

heatherw said...

Horray for Random thoughts! Curling is dumb, I think I love the summer games better too. Grillz 4 ever.