Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I turned my hair marroon. Actually it is a little but fuscia. How you ask? I like to think that I am a hair dresser sometimes and can dye my own hair. I went a little too dark and too red and taadaa....fuscia. Laine asked for a barber chair for Christmas so next time I'll just get her to do it. Can't get any worse. I'll post a picture later. We are going to Abilene today so I will post a before and after. After? you say. Yes, I'm thinking that if I put an ash brown color on top of it then it will even out the red. See...I am practically a hairdresser. Anyone want to be my first client????


Anonymous said...

I think Laine should be your first client!!