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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I am a Hallo-weenie!

First of all, this is how I feel today. (This is my neice Laine, making a funny face for the camera. I thought it captured my mood perfectly!) I have headache behind my eye. It's an I-don't-feel-cute day. My student's were a little bit insane-o. I have an assignment due for my grad class but my parents are in town so I don't feel like doing it. It isn't due until tomorrow but I have a conference all day tomorrow and a meeting in Denton at 5:00. So like I am going to get it done then...

But that is not the point of this blog.

I am a huge weenie when it comes to scary stuff! For example...
*I don't like roller coasters if they go high...i.e. the titan, the texas giant, Mr. Freeze, the cliffhanger etc.
*I don't like taking a shower if Ryan isn't home. I think this is mainly because one time he was in the shower when I got home and I went in the bathroom and scared him really bad. Now I am just waiting for payback every time I get in the shower.

As far as Halloween goes, I don't like haunted houses. Ryan has been trying to get me to go since we got married. And I refuse. Now, I would go to haunted houses in Abilene, those weren't a big deal. But when I think about haunted houses in Fort Worth, it makes me wet my pants a little bit. There are two huge ones right by our house. So, today...I am thankful that it is Halloween because tomorrow the haunted houses will close and I won't have to worry about Ryan talking me into going, and standing in line with knots in my stomach, and getting the crap scared out of me by some high school kid with a chainsaw and walking through the rest of the haunted house with my eyes closed and being mad at the end because I paid $40 to get in and then I didn't see anything!

Until next year...scary haunted houses...until next year.

p.s. Point taken on the purse, guys, THANKS!!!


Courtney said...

You have been an amazing blogger this week! Way to go, Meredith! And I'm always glad when all the scary stuff gets put away for another year and it gets closer and closer to CHRISTMAS!

Chesley said...

Just a thought on the Dooney purse..You know Louis Vutton used to be really popular like 20 years ago and then I really didn't see any again. (My mom had one called the "speedy"). Anyways, they came back out a few years ago and have become really popular again. It seems everything does that. You could just save it and in 10 years when they come back (if they come back)you will have a great vintage bag! My mom busted out her old Louis last year. Saved herself some money because she already had one from years ago. Just a thought. By the way, I saw your purse on carry it really well. :)

Anonymous said...

Mere - I had no idea you didn't like scarey stuff. Neither do Robin and I! When she was two years old we were on a ferris wheel that was only about 40 feet tall and I made them stop it and let me off. It's not fun for me to have my stomach in my throat.

Shauna said...

I HATE scary stuff too - I dont even like scary movies - it just doesnt make sense to me. Mackenzie was kind of mad because our house wasnt decorated all scary - sorry for ya!

Shauna said...

Oh - and I am also so proud of you this week!

Anonymous said...

you have a magnificent hiney!!

robin said...

What is the point of being scared? That just isn't fun...Ya know....right now I wet my pants without having to be scared....I don't need any help! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mere, we ate dinner out last night. A lady stopped by the table and talked about how cute Reegan was. As she turned to walk away ... you got it ... she had the EXACT Dooney purse you have. That cinched it, it is not cute.