Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

6 Weird Things...

Actually, I don't think they are weird, I think they are totally rational but other people might think they are a little strange.
1. I am deathly (obviously a bit of an over statement) afraid of grasshoppers. I believe I have explained this fear in a previous post so I won't go in to great detail. If you need more info I will share.
2. I am equally as fearful of fish. Not fish in my fish tank at school...that would be silly. I am afraid of being in the lake with fish. I get anxiety every time someone mentions going to the lake. I absolutely refuse to just swim in a lake. That is not fun for me at all!!! Anytime I have ever gone water skiing I look like a complete idiot because when I fall I splash like a freaking psycho until I get back in the boat. I am not 100% sure if I am more scared of the fish or the unknown. There could be a 12 foot baracuda swimming right underneath me and the thought of that makes me wet my pants a little as I type this...
3. I like to swallow gum. Not little pieces of gum, I can handle those. I am talking about bubble gum (Bubble Yum to be exact) when I put a big juicy piece of gum in my mouth it takes all my will power not to swallow it. I used to do it all the time. Then I had some issues with my appendix and someone told me that swallowing gum can cause those types of problems and I stopped...but I still get the urge every now and then and I have to spit it out immediately.
4. When I find a bra that fits really well I wear it until it falls apart. I think I have some bras that are like seven years old...that is kind of gross when I actually type it out and put that information out there. I hear Victoria's Secret calling my name.
5. I love to fall asleep during movies. I love the way it feels when you are fighting off sleep because you really want to watch the movie but then you just give in because closing your eyes feels sooooo goooood. Ryan does not really enjoy this about me.
6. I have weird superstitions when I play tennis. They used to be really bad when I played in high school. Like one time, I took my watch off during a match and set it on the back of the court by the fence. I won the next two games so when I went to pick it up because we were changing sides I noticed exactly how it was sitting and instead of throwing it in my bag I took it to the other side of the court and set it up the exact same way. I did that for the remainder of the match...there are others but they get a little wordy and I am tired of typing.

Now it's your turn!


momsuet said...

Ok, so I knew about the grasshoppers, the fish, and the superstitions, but swallowing gum???? wearing old bra's?????....these are new to me. I'm sure these must have developed in later years.

Shauna said...

Yay mere - you are weird! :) Love you!

annalee said...

i loved reading your weird stuff too! i just copied this blog idea from you and shauna. it is a great one. and i couldn't agree more with the falling asleep during movies. secretly it does feel good! way to go putting that into words!

Courtney said...

You are too funny! Here are a few weird things about me.

1. I totally agree about the falling asleep during movies thing, but even more than that, I love to fall asleep in the car when someone else is driving. Like late at night when you're coming home from somewhere or on a Sunday afternoon. This started when we lived 30 minutes from everything while I was growing up and I loved to sleep while my dad drove us home from church or my grandparents' house.

2. I forget to eat meals sometimes. This has gotten better since I had kids but I just get busy and will completely forget about breakfast or lunch. John thinks this makes me the weirdest person in the world.

3. I was looking at pictures the other day and realized that I was still wearing several shirts I had in high school. I get rid of things all the time but I'm not hard on my clothes and sometimes have a hard time getting rid of them if they're still nice and fit well. When I saw those pictures, I promptly gave the shirts away.

4. I LOVE brussel sprouts.

5. I can ride any roller coaster or thrill ride anywhere but have a very odd fear of standing next to those glass walls on the second floor of the atrium at church. For some reason, the glass and looking down at the first floor freaks me out.

6. Your gum thing reminded me of something weird I like to do. I like to chew a piece of gum and then eat a Lifesaver or other hard mint while the gum is in my mouth. The combination makes a strange texture and taste that I like. But that does make me want to swallow the gum sometimes. I completely understand.

So, you had no idea you had such a weird friend, did you?!