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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Different verse, same as the first...

Here I am, not working again. I have one more article summary to write and then I have some questions to answer for my online class. Not tooooo much left, before my friends come in town. So I feel like it is ok that I am doing this right now.
Everyone has been asking lately when we are going to have kids. I don't even want a kid right now, much less kids plural. It's not that I don't like kids, I teach that would suck if I didn't like them. I just don't want my own yet. I love Laine and Bowen and I know that I will love Reegan and I love all of my friends kids but I just am not ready yet. And that seems hard for people to understand. It's not the same person asking, it's everyone asking. Do I look ready? Am I just getting to that age? What is the deal??? I guess that is just the next logical step...get married, work for awhile, then have a baby. But I am not there yet.

I am happy right now! I am happy just the way things are. Sometimes we are stretching it to feed two cats and a dog. And their food is pretty cheap compared to baby food. I don't want things to change yet. I love to be with Ryan just by myself. I love to sleep in. I love to be immature and a little selfish sometimes. I want to travel more...I know that those of you with kids are going to tell me that it is better on the other side, and I am sure that it is but I am not ready for the other side. The grass is green enough right where I am standing. I think it is hard to be content in this world but that is what I desire. I just want to be content with where I am. And right now, it's in a tiny house with my sweet husband, our crazy dog and me. And that's the way I like it.


Shelly said...

I love my children, but Tra and I talk occasionally about how wonderful it was with just the 2 of us. I wouldn't change a thing, but as for how you are feeling I think it is WONDERFUL!! You 2 enjoy each other and play, sleep in, go to movies, eat out, travel, have FUN!!! Don't let anyone try to tell you that it's time to start having kids yet. Do not listen to them. Y'all are awesome and I'm thrilled that you are so happy and really enjoying this wonderful stage of life!

I miss seeing y'all! Have a great rest of your week!

ps. I stalk blogs too. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful that you feel this way, and you should definitely not feel ANY pressure to have kids. So of course I already have kids, but I can really relate to what you are saying. I have always wanted 3 or 4 kids, and people ask us when we are having another one. I am TOTALLY content with our family the way it is, and it may be like 5 more years before I feel ready to have another one. It's wonderful that you feel content where you are right now!

I can't wait for this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

It's okay to be selfish - really. After you have kids you can't be AS selfish. So for now be selfish, enjoy it, spoil yourself and your husband. The time will come and you'll know when it's right.

heatherw said...

I just hope Laine and Bowen don't keep you from wanting kids, haha! Way to stand up for yourself, you don't need kids yet!