Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 18, 2008


I always say to myself...I will write on my blog tomorrow. And then I don't. Blake is screaming her head off right now, so I am shifting into mommy mode. But here are some pics until I can think straight and write something interesting.

Smiley PantsPouty faceMike the dang cat on B's changing table

Blake in the couch

First V-day party


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pics Mere, thanks! She is an absolute doll!!!!!

Leigh Ann said...

The cat on the changing table is hilarious!
She sure is a cutie!!

Courtney said...

I love Blake! She's so sweet! That is a couch full of CUTE babies!

Holly Grant said...

Is Blake being held up by the back of the couch and the cushions in one picture? If so, that makes me laugh for some reason!

Shauna said...

OK - are babies just multiplying around town or what!!!!! The pictures made me very happy. Thank you. And you still need to send me your log in so I can upload your header. Love you!

Holly Grant said...

I stole something from your blog but don't worry, I gave you cred.

Anonymous said...

hey friend- thank you for posting pics! My fav is the pouting face!! Oh and get that gross cat off of her stuff!! I'm sure she is allergic to cats just like I am!! Love ya

robin said...

sweet girl! shes getting so big! I can't wait to see her at Easter!!!

Jennifer said...

Such sweet pictures! I'm so glad we're in the same bible study group - it's been fun getting to know you. There are a TON of babies in that last picture - holy cow! So cute :)

Welch Party of 4! said...

Hey there stranger!! How are you? Your baby girl is so stinkin cute!! I'm new to this bloggin thing but I am glad I found you!! Keep in touch!!

Sara S. said...

I love cat picture! It made me laugh outloud. The couch full of babies is adorable! Is that little Alex at the end? I finally joined the blog world...
Miss you!