Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I GOT AN A IN LAW!!!! Just maintaining my 4.0...that's my goal. Yeah right. I just wanted to finish! I forgot about checking my grades until I woke up this morning. I had a dream that I got a 76 on my final exam. I was so mad. Then in my dream it made me fail and I had to take the class again. That's not a dream...that's a nightmare!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Mere! I'm proud of you.

momsuet said...

Yea Mere...thank goodness for the "brainy" genes from your Dad!

robin said...

YEAH! Not only is it a great feeling to have it all over with but to know that you made an A, Woo-Hoo!!!!!

Shauna said...

Hooray for A's - remember that if you ever get to this point "D is for Done"

heatherw said...

Yahoo Mere!
Mom do you not post on my blog anymore?