Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dora would be proud!

I did it...I got all of my papers turned in on time. Well, sort of. I was 20 minutes late to class because I was finishing up the last paper until 5:10. Yikes. But it's done now. Phew...that's not the phew like something stinks that's the phew like "phew, glad that's over with."

Ryan did it! He ran the whole marathon. I am soooo impressed and amazed at what he accomplished. Ryan's mom and dad and I rode around to as many spots as we could to cheer them on. The first time we saw them was at mile 7 (the race started at 6:30 so this was around 7:30ish) and they were looking good and having fun. Then we saw them at mile 13 and Nate was needing advil but they were still smiling and waving and seemed to be doing good. At mile 16, less smiling and definitely less waving but still truckin! Then we lost them for awhile. I was stupid and forgot to look at my watch at mile 16 so I got off on our time. I was so mad! We didn't see them again until mile 23. No smiling, no waving. I ran with Ryan for a little bit to give him some encouraging words and I could just tell he was about to die. But they did it! They crossed the finish line and the announcer called out both of their names and announced that they were first time marathoners. People were cheering! Ryan said that it was just like he imagined it would be at the finish. I am so proud of him!
Then I think...could I run a marathon? And then I watch him still limping a little four days after the race and I think...maybe next year :)


heatherw said...

You need to train for the half with me in the fall!

Shauna said...

You did did it....dora would be proud! Way to go RYAN!! THat is awesome. I am very impressed.

robin said...

YEAH FOR Y'ALL! Lots of accomplishments for one week! I am so excited for Ryan! That is so impressive!

Anonymous said...

Ryan, yea for you!!! I'm proud of you. Mere, please work on your timing. One of these days you aren't gonna get it all done! But you did - yea for you!

momsuet said...

Yea for question for the day is: why would anyone want to run a marathon? Does anyone realize how far 26 miles is???? Ryan does! Mike does!
Do I? No. Do I care? No.

Shauna said...

Dora would be bored.

Mere Ware said...

I tried to post yesterday and for some reason it didn't do it. I just tried again so there should be a new one momentarily.