Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Need to lose a few pounds??

Just get strep throat and you can drop about 3 pounds in 3 days, at least I did. I probably wouldn't suggest this option but it does work...

Yeah, so I woke up with a super icky sore throat on Sunday and my ears hurt and my head ached and my legs were crampy. I just felt gross. Do you remember the commercial of the little girl sitting on her bed saying "It'll hurt if I swallow. It'll hurt if I swallow. It'll hurt if I...MOMMY!!!" That is EXACTLY how I felt. I would do ANYTHING not to swallow. Or yawn. Or talk. So Monday I woke up feeling just as crappy so I went to the doctor and sat around for 2 hours and they told me I had strep and they gave me a shot in my butt... which hurt really bad afterwards and was pretty expensive "Thanks, doc!" So, I did just what the commercial said and I called my mommy. She came to the rescue to keep Blake while I laid around and felt bad. I haven't been this sick in a LONG, I haven't been this sick since I have been married, so at least 5 years. I was down for the count for three days and I am still at about 70% today.

Then, on top of being sick...yesterday Ryan was getting ready for work and walked down our hallway and found water on the floor. When he opened the closet that holds our water heater and air conditioner (our house is old so all of this is conveniently located in our hall with the wood flooring) thier was water pooled around the water heater. So he called the plumber listed on the water heater. He came about an hour later. I showed him the problem. He poked around and said he thought it was the air conditioner and not the water heater. Then he took the air conditioning vents off that were underneath the closet where the ac and wh were and their was a puddle of water under there. AWESOME!!! So he decides that it is the water heater and that the tank broke so we need a brand new water heater and he says it will cost $1300. YIPPEE!!! We thought this sounded a little high so Ryan called Home Depot and they said they could do it for $700. Woohoo!!! $700 that was suppose to go towards a little vacation this summer is now paying for a new water heater!! Well, then our neighbor, Jim...a super nice guy and a Mr. Fix It comes buy and fiddles around with it all and he finds out that it is NOT the water heater and IS the air conditioner. Turns out all we needed was a little drano because a pipe was not draining that should have been! JIM IS THE BEST!!!! So our $1300 problem turned to a $700 problem turned to a $4 problem in about 7 hours. That deserves a real YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!!!!!!


heatherw said...

Glad you're feeling better and I'm ever gladder that you didn't have to spend a bunch of money on something boring!

Sara S. said...

Strep is the worst! It is so hard to be a parent AND be sick at the same time. Yay for Sue! So happy your water heater/AC won't have to be replaced. Hope to see you soon!

P.S. I loved your 6 month post to Blake. So sweet.

Anonymous said...

Mimi's are the best! I'm sorry you've been so sick. And I'm sorry about your house emergency. I think Mr. Fix-It deserves a nice gift certificate or something!

Joni said...

I'm glad your feeling better friend! I would write something rude right now, but I decided to wait until you are least expecting it:) Love ya