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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Today I played pretend

Today I got to fill in for one of our assistant principals because they were out at a conference. I told Ryan yesterday that this would be good for us because if I hated it then I could just drop out of grad school and we wouldn't have to worry about the loans. But I didn't hate it. I really liked it. I know that it wasn't "real" because I couldn't do all of the things an AP does but I still enjoyed it.

It is sort of weird to think that in a few years I won't be doing the same thing that I am doing right now. But then again, that isn't wierd to most people. Some change jobs every few years but I just didn't think I would be doing something new so soon.

I was talking to a few people today about being an administrator and the one thing that I think worries me about this job is that there will be people who won't like me. Generally, I am pretty easy to get along with. I am not saying that everyone loves me now, but I don't do whole lot that would make someone mad. But being in a leadership role, I know I will end up stepping on some toes. I don't think I am really a people-pleaser but for the most part I just like for people to like me. I don't mind having my own opinion and I definitely and not scared to share it, and I don't avoid confrontation (sometimes I embrace it, right Ryan?). People today were saying, "I bet you are being so nice" or " I can't see you being mean" or "I bet you would be fun." None of which sound like descriptors of a principal. So, I don't really know what category I will fall in as an administrator but I just want to be a good one.


Anonymous said...

Of course, everyone loves you now! I think you will be a great principal. By the way, Monopoloy FINALLY ended and Chad won... We'll definitely have to get together sometime and play board games.

Mary Catherine

Anonymous said...

Of course, everyone loves you now! I think you will be a great principal. By the way, Monopoly FINALLY ended and Chad won... We'll definitely have to get together sometime and play board games.

Mary Catherine

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that I posted that twice. Computer issues and I can't figure out how to delete it!


Shauna said...

Being a principal is not about being mean - it is about being honest and having integrity...and a little bossy - you have all of those things - and I think that you will be great at it one day!
I am sure Ryan would agree that you are a little bossy! :0) JK - and we need to get together soon - I start working out of the house this next week so I will have a little more flexibility! YEA!